

Tools to Prevent the Pain of Floated Candidates

Tools to Prevent the Pain of Floated Candidates - TalentVine Blog

Amongst all the good, we know that there are a few pain points that you may experience when it comes to working with recruiters. Some of the pain points we hear are:

  1. Being hounded by cold calls from unsuitable recruiters when you’re still hiring internally.

  2. Receiving candidates that have been floated* to your organisation without permission, creating a situation where you may need to hire someone against your terms or based on a hiring manager’s relationship. This may lock you into having to pay a recruitment fee for an applicant who was already in your sites of approaching directly.

  3. Getting locked into terms of service that serve the recruitment agencies as opposed to you

At TalentVine, we strive to establish a more transparent, accountable recruitment space, where you don’t have to suffer from these issues. We would like to share some tips on how you can prevent this, even if you’re not using TalentVine.


Add a note to your career’s page


If you do get constant cold calls and requests from agencies to partner with you, add the following on your careers page and Seek ads which will deter floating. For instance, you can use following texts:


Please note that we do not accept floated candidates to our Talent Acquisition team. Any candidates that you have sent to our hiring managers, will be done so at 2% + GST fee with a 100% refund should the candidate leave within 12 months. When we do need to outsource any roles, we use the TalentVine marketplace where we welcome your support at terms that are fair for both parties.


Have Your Own Terms and Conditions When Working with Recruiters


If you are working with recruiters but you don’t already have your own terms of service for them to agree to, you’ll find yourself having to read and agree to multiple terms of service that may not serve your needs. To prevent this from happening, feel free to use our standard terms. Over 370 recruitment agencies have already agreed to these, and they are employer-friendly with no hidden surprises.

We have created a downloadable version that you can use directly here.


TalentVine – The Trusted Recruitment Marketplace 

If you’d like to discuss your current hiring processes, we are always happy to help. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the TalentVine team – you can connect with any of our +370 specialist recruitment agencies.

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