Careers with TalentVine



Our mission is to provide employers and recruiters with the clarity and confidence to make better hiring decisions. With the right balance of smart technology and human interaction, TalentVine empowers our community to fall in love with hiring.


Our vision  is for TalentVine to be the catalyst for growing the global businesses of tomorrow by ensuring the best possible humans are guided to their perfect roles, at fees and terms that inspire exceptional work.


Our values are guided by the whole team. Every six months we get together to make sure we are still living and breathing these values in all that we do at TalentVine. Our eight values:


Just like our values, we believe we should all be evolving and growing in our personal and work lives as these two go hand-in-hand. We encourage the team to step up, be proactive and take on things that you might not feel you’re quite ready for. Let’s be comfortable with being uncomfortable.


This is 2019, and we are all up on the interwebs, so we want the team to be able to work where they want, with who they want, in a way that still lets you live the life you’re striving for. Some of the teamwork part-time, others leave early so they can spend time with the kids and then log in after they’ve gone to bed. We don’t clock watch – we just focus on results. 


Healthy bodies = healthy minds. When one of the founders got cancer in 2018, this became a focus for us all.  Office fruit bowls, daily meditation, rooftop yoga, team races, free subscriptions to Calm or HeadSpace are some of what we have on offer. Work from the rooftop or the office which bathes in natural light and dust off those afternoon cobwebs with a game of ping-pong.


This is the bread (not white bread ok, because…you know, health) and butter (organic…you know) of what we do for the recruitment industry. We constantly need to be looking at ways to improve what we offer and how we offer it. If we don’t aim to disrupt ourselves then someone else will so being proactive and putting up your hand to make some better is what TalentVine is all about.


If we aren’t having fun then what’s the point? Don’t get me wrong, we are a very ambitious group and we all have aspects of our roles that are a bit ‘meh’ but if we can’t have fun in the process, with a bunch of people that we spend the majority of our working hours with, then we are failing as a business. A happy team means happy clients and this is how we win.


We are bringing accountability and clarity into a previously unregulated industry as this makes it easy to connect employers to ethical, high-performing recruiters. This is our jam and we need to live and breathe this every day. If everything we did was to end up in a public forum, we should still be able to wear this with pride.


If you’re reading this, its’ likely that you’re living in Australia, you have WiFI (Thanks for the NBN, Malcolm!) and opportunities galore. We all realise how lucky we are to do meaningful work, in a great setting, with a bunch of good eggs.  Startup life is tough and it’s important to look back and appreciate how far we have come, being thankful for all the support, opportunities and trust that others have put into us during this rollercoaster journey. And Tex’s full recovery from cancer!


It’s not how we do it, it’s what we do. Considering that we like a bit of freedom and fun, it’s important to work smart and be productive. We hit our goals and if we don’t, then something must have gone wrong and the rest of the team want to know why.


These values all boil down to five principles that we subscribe to, and we hope you do too:

Go over and above

Do the right thing

Get it done

Empower others

Enjoy the process


We are a flexible team. We work around team member’s ability to bath their kids, do school pickup, attend training or slice their balls into the trees during a morning golf game. If you’re hitting your goals and doing what needs to be done then freedom to you! We are in the office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and will help you set up a great home office for the rest of the time. We have a beautiful office space in WeWork with heaps of space, couches, booths, and free coffee. You’ll like this place.

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